Publications in SCIE journals
[77] Psaltis, P., Komilis*, D., 2019. Environmental and economic assessment of the use of biodrying before thermal treatment of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 83, 95-103.
[76] Mudhoo, A., Torres-Mayanga, P.C., Forster-Carneiro, T., Sivagurunathan, P., Kumar, G., Komilis, D., Sánchez*, A., 2018. A review of research trends in the enhancement of biomass-to-hydrogen conversion. Waste Management, 79, 580-594
[75] Bres, P., Beily, M.E., Young, B.J., Gasulla, J., Butti, M., Crespo, D., Candal, R., Komilis*, D. 2018. Performance of semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of poultry manure with fruit and vegetable waste and analysis of digestate quality: A bench scale study. Waste Management, 82, 276-284.
[74] Kalogiannidou, K., Nikolakopoulou, E., Komilis*, D., 2018. Generation and composition of waste from medical histopathology laboratories. Waste Management, 79, 435-442.
[73] Minoglou, M., Komilis*, D. 2018. Describing health care waste generation rates using regression modeling and principal component analysis. Waste Management, 78, 811-818.
[72] Reyes, M., Oviedo, E.R., Dominguez, I., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2018. A systematic review on the composting of green waste: Feedstock quality and optimization strategies. Waste Management, 77, 486-499. .
[71] Evangelou A., Komilis* D., 2018. Liquid-phase respiration activity assays to assess organic waste stability: A comparison of two tests. Sustainability, 10, 1441.
[70] Tsalis, T., Amarantidou, S., Calabró P., Nikolaou, I., Komilis* D., 2018. Door to door recyclables' collection programs: willingness to participate and influential factors with a case study in the city of Xanthi (Greece), Waste Management and Research, 36, 760-766.
[69] Calabró* P., Gentili E., Meoni C., Orsi, S. and Komilis, D., 2018. Effect of the recirculation of the reverse osmosis concentrate on leachate generation: A case study in an Italian landfill. Waste Management, 76, 643-651.
[68] Calabró*, P., Paone, E., Komilis, D., 2018. Strategies for the sustainable management of orange peel waste through anaerobic digestion. J. of Environm. Manag. 212, 462-468.
[67] Catalán, E., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2018. A life cycle assessment on the dehairing of rawhides: Chemical treatment versus enzymatic recovery through solid state fermentation. J. of Industrial Ecology, (in press).
Calabró*, P.S., Catalán, E., Folino A., Sánchez, A., Komilis, D., 2018. Effect of three pretreatment techniques on the
chemical composition and on the methane yields of the Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear) biomass. Waste Management and Research, 36, 17-29.
[65] Oviedo, E., Dominguez, I., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2017. Co-composting of green waste mixed with unprocessed and processed food waste: influence on the composting process and product quality. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-12 (in press).
[64] Catalán, E., Komilis, D., Sánchez*, A., 2017. Solid-state fermentation and composting as alternatives to treat hair waste: A life-cycle assessment comparative approach. Waste Management and Research, 35, 786-790.
[63] Komilis, D., Barrena, R., Grando, R.L., Vogiatzi, V., Sánchez, A., Font*, X., 2017. A state of the art literature review on anaerobic digestion of food waste: influential operating parameters on methane yield. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology (RESB), 16(2), 347-360.
[62] Alonso*, A., Moral-Vico, J., Abo Marked, A., Busquets-Fite, M., Komilis, D., Puntes, V., Sanchez, A., Font, X., 2017. Critical review of existing nanomaterial adsorbents to capture carbon dioxide and methane. Science of the Total Environmental, 595, 51-62.
[61] Mejias, L., Komilis*, D., Gea, T., Sánchez, A, 2017. The effect of airflow rates and aeration mode on thre respiration activity of four organic wastes. Implications on the composting process. Waste Management, 65, 22-28.
[60] Abraham, J., Gea, T., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2017. Reproducibility of solid-state fermentation at bench scale: the case of protease production. Global Nest Journal, 19, 2, 183-190.
[59] Minoglou, M., Gerassimidou, S., Komilis*, D., 2017. Healthcare waste generation worldwide and its dependence on socio-economic and environmental factors. Sustainability, 9, 220.
[58] Abu Yazid, N., Barrena, R., Komilis, D., Sánchez*, A., 2017. Solid-state fermentation as a novel paradigm for organic waste valorization: a review. Sustainability, 9, 224..
[57] Oviedo, E., Torres, P., Marmolejo, L.F., Torres, W.A., Dominquez, I., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2017. A systematic approach to evaluate parameter consistency in the inlet stream of source separated biowaste composting facilities: A case study in Colombia. Waste Management, 62, 24-32.
[56] Evangelou, A., Chintzios, V., Komilis*, D., Sánchez, A., 2017. Effect of air flowrate on the dynamic respiration activity of the raw organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. Bioresource Technology, 224, 748-752.
[55] Komilis*, D., Makroleivaditis, N., Nikolakopoulou, E., 2017. Generation and composition of medical wastes from private medical microbiology laboratories. Waste Management, 61, 539-546.
[54] Komilis D*., Sanchez A., 2017. Life cycle assessment in solid waste management: Facts and Artefacts (editorial). Waste Management, 61, 1-2.
[53] Lakioti,
E., Moustakas*, K., Komilis, D., Domopoulou, A., Karayannis, V., 2017.
Sustainable solid waste management: Socio-economic considerations. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 661-666.
[52] Martínez-Valdez F., Komilis D., Saucedo-Castañeda G., Barrena* R., Sánchez A. 2016. The effect of a short term aerobic pretreatment step on the anaerobic co-digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes: Liquid Extract Addition versus Solid Phase addition. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8, 1793-1801.
[51] Karayannis*, V., Karapanagioti H., Domopoulou, A., Komilis D., 2016. Stabilization / Solidification of Hazardous Metals from Solid Wastes into ceramics, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8, 1863-1874.
[50] Evangelou A., Gerassimidou, S., Mavrakis N., Komilis* D., 2016. Monitoring the performances of a real scale municipal solid waste composting and a biodrying facility using respiration activity indices. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 1-14.
[49] Zulkeflee Z., Shamsuddin ZH, Aris AZ, Yusoff ΜΚ, Komilis* D., Sánchez A., 2016. Glutamic Acid Independent Production of bioflocculants by Bacillus subtilis UPMB13. Environmental Processes, 3, 353-367.
[48] Zulkeflee, Z., Shamsuddin ZH, Aris AZ, Yusoff MK, Komilis* D., Sánchez A., 2016. Performance, yield and characteristics of Bioflocculants (UPMBF13) produced by Bacillus Subtilis UPMB13 during submerged and solid-state fermentation. Global Nest Journal, 18, 611-620.
[47] Oviedo ER., Dominguez I., Torres P., Marmolejo LF, Komilis* D, Sánchez A., 2016. A qualitative model to evaluate biowaste composting management systems using causal diagrams: a case study in Colombia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 201-211.
[46] Young, B., Rizzo, P.F., Riera, NI., Della Torre V., Lopez VA., Molina CD., Fernadez FE., Crespo DC., Barrena R., Komilis* D., Sánchez A., 2016. Development of phytotoxicity indexes and their correlation with ecotoxicological, stability and physicochemical parameters during passive composting of poultry manure. Waste Management, 54, 101-109.
[45] Komilis, D., 2016. Issues on medical waste management research. Waste Management, 48, 1-2 (editorial).
[44] Contreras Rodríguez A.R., Saiz-Poseu J., García-Pardo J., García B., Lorenzo J., Ojea-Jiménez I., Komilis D., Sedó J., Busqué F., Sánchez A., Ruiz-Molina D, Font* X., 2016. Biocompatible polydopamine-like particles for the removal of heavy metals at extremely low concentration, RSC Advances, 6, 46, 40058-40066.
[43] Evangelou, A., Calabró, P.S., Greco, R., Sánchez Α., Komilis* D., 2016. Biodegradation activity of eight organic substrates: A correlation study of different test methods. Waste Biomass and Valorization, 7,5, 1067-1080.
Bogiatzidis, C. Komilis*, D., 2016. Economic and life cycle analysis of
municipal solid waste management for small islands: On-site management
scenarios versus off-site transportation. Global Nest Journal, 18, 197-213.
[41] Calabró*, PS., Greco, R., Evangelou A., Komilis D., 2015. Anaerobic digestion of tomato processing waste: Effect of alkaline pretreatment. Journal of Environmental Management, 163, 49-52.
[40] Contreras AR., Casals E., Puntes CV., Komilis D., Sánchez* A, Font X., 2015. Use of cerium oxide nanoparticles for the adsoprtion of dissolved cadimum (II), lead (II) and chromium (VI) at two different pHs in single and multi-component systems. Global Nest Journal, 17, 536-543.
[39] Oviedo E. R., Torres P., Marmolejo L.F., Hoyos L.V., Gonzales S, Barrena R, Komilis* D, Sánchez A., 2015. Stability and maturity of biowaste composts derived by small municipalities: correlation among physical, chemical and biological indices. Waste Management, 44, 63-71
[38] Almeira N., Komilis D., Barrena R., Gea T., Sánchez* A., 2015. The importance of aeration mode and flowrate in the determination of the biological activity and stability of organic wastes by respiration indices. Bioresource Technology, 196, 256-262.
[37] Komilis*, D., 2015. Compost quality: Is research still needed to assess it or do we have enough knowledge? Waste Management (editorial), 38, 1-2.
[36] Gerassimidou, S., Komilis*, D., 2015. Assessing the leaching of hazardous metals from pharmaceutical wastes and their ashes. Waste Management and Research, 33(2), 191-198.
[35] Komilis*, D., Liogkas V, 2014. Full cost accounting on existing and future municipal solid waste management facilities in Greece. Global Nest Journal, 16, 4, 787-796.
[34] Komilis*, D., Athiniotou A., 2014. A water budget model for operating landfills-An application in Greece. Waste Management and Research, 32(8), 717-725.
[33] Komilis*, D., Kissas, K., Symeonidis, A., 2014. Effect of organic matter and moisture on the calorific value of solid wastes: An update of the Tanner diagram. Waste Management, 34, 249-255.
[32] Minoglou, M., Komilis*, D., 2013. Optimizing the treatment and disposal of municipal solid wastes using mathematical programming - A case study in a Greek region. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 80, 46-57.
[31] Komilis*, D., Tataki, V., Tsakmakis, T., 2013. Leaching of heavy metals from personal computer components: Comparison of TCLP with a European leaching test. ASCE J. Environm. Engineering, 139, 1375-1381.
[30] Gerassimidou, S., Evangelou, A., Komilis*, D., 2013. Aerobic biological pretreatment of municipal solid waste with a high content of putrescibles: Effect on landfill emissions. Waste Management and Research, 31(8), 783-791.
[29] Avramidou, P., Evangelou, A., Komilis*, D., 2013. Use of municipal solid waste compost as a growth media for an energy plant (rapeseed). Journal of Environmental Management, 121, 152-159.
[28] Markidis, I., Komilis*, D., Tsagas, F., Petalas, A., 2013. A fractional factorial field experiment to study the decomposition of municipal solid wastes stored in wrapped bales. J. Environ. Management, 115, 32-41.
[27] Komilis*, D., Kletsas, C., 2012. Static respiration indices to investigate compost stability: Effect of sample weight and temperature and comparison with dynamic respiration indices. Bioresource Technology, 121, 467-470.
[26] Komilis*, D., Kanellos, D., 2012. A modified dynamic respiration test to assess compost stability: Effect of sample size and air flowrate. Bioresource Technology, 117, 300-309.
[25] Komilis*, D., Fouki, A., Papadopoulos, D., 2012. Hazardous medical waste generation rates of different categories of health-care facilities. Waste Management, 32, 1434-1441.
[24] Chatzouridis, C., Komilis*, D., 2012. A methodology to optimally site and design municipal solid waste transfer stations using binary programming. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 60, 89-98.
[23] Komilis*, D., Evangelou, A., Giannakis, G., Lymperis, C., 2012. Revisiting the elemental composition and the calorific value of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. Waste Management, 32, 372-381.
[22] Stefanakis A., Komilis*, D., Tsihrintzis, V., 2011. Stability and maturity of thickened wastewater sludge treated in pilot-scale sludge treatment wetlands. Water Research, 45, 6441-6452.
[21] Komilis*, D., Evangelou, A., Voudrias, E., 2011. Monitoring and optimizing the co-composting of dewatered sludge: A mixture experimental design approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 2241-2249.
[20] Komilis*, D.P. and Katsafaros N., 2011. Statistical predictors of hazardous medical waste generation rates in a 40-bed general hospital. Global Nest Journal, 13, 170-175.
[19] Komilis*, D.P., Bandi, D., Kakaronis, G., Zouppouris, G., 2011. The influence of spent household batteries on the organic fraction of municipal solid waste during composting. Science of the Total Environment, 409, 2555-2566.
[18] Komilis*, D.P., Kontou, I., Ntougias, S., 2011. A modified static respiration assay and its relationship with an enzymatic test to assess compost stability and maturity. Bioresource Technology, 102, 5863-5872.
[17] Komilis*, D.P., Katsafaros, N., Vassilopoulos, P., 2011. Hazardous waste medical waste generation in Greece: Case studies from medical facilities in Attica and from a small insular hospital. Waste Management & Research, 29, 807-814.
[16] Komilis*, D.P., Vrohidou, A-E., Voudrias, E., 2010. Kinetics of aerobic bioremediation of a diesel-contaminated sandy soil: Effect of nitrogen addition. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 208, 1-4, 193-208.
[15] Komilis*, D.P, Tziouvaras, I., 2009. A statistical analysis to assess the maturity and stability of six composts. Waste Management, 29, 1504-1513.
[14] Komilis*, D.P., Voudrias, E.A., Anthoulakis, S., Iosifidis, N., 2009. Composition and production rate of solid waste from dental laboratories in Xanthi, Greece. Waste Management, 29, 1208-1212.
[13] Komilis*, D.P. 2008. Conceptual modeling to optimize the haul and transfer of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 28, 2355-2365.
[12] Komilis*, D.P., Haritopoulou, R., Togia, A., 2007. Municipal solid waste unit production rates and estimation of the required number of waste storage containers in the municipality of Athens. Global Nest Journal, 9, 1-5.
[11] Komilis*, D.P., 2006. A kinetic analysis of solid waste composting at optimal conditions. Waste Management, 26, 82-91.
[10] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, Ρ.Κ., 2006. Carbon dioxide and ammonia emissions during composting of mixed paper, yard waste and food waste. Waste Management, 26, 62-70.
[9] Kontos*, Th, Komilis, D.P., Halvadakis, C.P., 2005. Siting MSW Landfills with a spatial multiple criteria analysis methodology, Waste Management, 25, 818-832.
[8] Komilis*, D.P., Karatzas, Ε., Halvadakis, C.P., 2005. The effect of olive mill wastewater on seed germination after various pretreatment techniques. J. Env. Management,74, 339-348.
[7] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, R.K., 2004. Life-cycle inventory of municipal solid waste and yard waste windrow composting in the United States, ASCE J. Env Eng, 130, 11 1390-1400.
[6] Komilis, D.P., Ham, R.K., Park*, JK., 2004. Emission of volatile organic compounds during composting of municipal solid wastes. Water Research, 38, 7, 1707-1714.
[5] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, R.K., 2003. The effect of lignin and sugars to the aerobic decomposition of solid wastes, Waste Management, 23, 5, 419-423.
[4] Kontos, T.D., Komilis*, D.P., Halvadakis, C.P., 2003. Siting MSW landfills on Lesvos island with a GIS-based methodology, Waste Management and Research, 21, 262-277.
[3] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, R.K., 2000. A laboratory method to investigate gaseous emissions and solids decomposition during composting of municipal solid wastes. Compost Science and Utilization, 8, 254-265.
[2] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, R.K., Stegmann, R., 1999. The effect of municipal solid waste pretreatment on landfill behavior: A literature review. Waste Management and Research, 17, 10-19.
[1] Komilis*, D.P., Ham, R.K., Stegmann, R., 1999. The effect of landfill design and operation practices on waste degradation behavior: A review. Waste Management and Research,17, 20-26.
*: indicates corresponding author.
Oral presentations in conferences (after peer review)
- Psaltis, P., Komilis, D. 2018. Thermal treatment of
municipal solid waste: Mass-incineration versus incineration of biodried waste.
6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Chanea,
Crete, Greece, September 2018.
- Kalogiannidou, K and D. Komilis, 2018. Generation and composition of medical waste derived from histopathology laboratories. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'18), Niagara Falls, Canada, June 10-12, 2018, Paper No.128, DOI: 10.11159/rtese18.128 (best paper award)
- Calabró, P., Komilis, D., 2017. Performance and customer satisfaction evaluation during separate collection and street cleaning services: An Italian case study. Sardinia 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (oral presentation)
- Amarantidou, S., Tsalis, T., Calabró, P., Nikolaou, I., Komilis, D., 2017. Door to door recyclables' collection programs: Willingness to participate and influential factors with a case study in the city of Xanthi (Greece). 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (June 2017), Athens, Greece.
- Calabró, P, Catalan E., Folino A., Sánchez A., Komilis D., 2016. Effect of three pretreatment techniques on the chemical composition and the methane yields of the opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear) biomass. 6th International Symposium on energy from biomass and waste. Oral presentation, Venice, Italy.
- Calabró PS., Komilis D.,
Gentili E., Meoni C., Orsi S., 2016. Long term monitoring oft he leachate
quality in an Italian landfill with concentrated leachate recirculation. (oral
presentation). 5th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous
Waste Management, Crete September 2016.
- Gerassimidou, S.,
Minoglou M., Komilis D., 2016. Medical Waste generation worldwide and its dependence on
social and economic factors. (oral presentation). 5th International Conference
on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete September 2016.
- Calabró PS, Folino A.,
Frontera P., Komilis D., 2016. Evaluation of the biochemical methane potential
of Opuntia-Ficus Indica biomass after physicochemical pretreatment. (Oral
Presentation), X Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale,
oral presentation, SIDISA, Rome, Italy.
- Catalán E., Komilis D.,
Sánchez A., 2016. Solid state fermenation and composting as treatment
alternatives for hair waste compared through LCA. Oral presentation, 10th
International Conference on Circular Economy and Organic Waste, ORBIT 2016,
Heraklion, Crete.
- Evangelou A., Chintzios D.,
Komilis D., 2016. Effect of aeration rate on the respiration activity oft he
fresh organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. Oral presentation, Eurasia
2016 Waste Management Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Komilis, D., Calabro, PS,
Evangelou A, Greco R, 2015. Respiration activity of eight organic substrates:
Comparison of stability indices at two different scales. Sardinia 15th
International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (oral
- Almeira N., Komilis D., Barrena R., Gea T., Sanchez
A., 2015. Effect of aeration regime and of sample size on the dynamic
respiration activity of solid organc residues. Sardinia 15th International
Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (oral presentation).
- Calabró , PS,
Greco, R., Evangelou A., Komilis D.,
2015. Anaerobic digestion of tomato processing waste: Effect of alkaline
pretreatment. CEST 2015, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science
and Technology, Rhodes, Greece (oral presentation).
- Evgenidou, C., Petalas, A.,
Komilis, D. (2014). Comparing MSW management scenarios using different life cycle assessment
software: A case study in a prefecture in North Greece. 4th
International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete
September 2014 (oral presentation).
- Ntalos, G., Tsanaktsis, C., Komilis, D. (2014). A study of the
aerobic degradation of wood manufacturing wastes: Effect of compost addition. 4th
International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete
September 2014 (oral presentation).
- Gerassimidou, S., Papaspyros, I.,
Evangelou, A., Komilis, D. (2014). Assessing the leaching of heavy metals from
incinerated expired drugs. 4th International Conference on
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete September 2014 (oral
- Evangelou, A., Tsikampakas, D.,
Komilis, D., (2014). A correlation between solid and liquid phase microbial respiration tests
to assess compost stability. Eurasia 2014 Waste Management Symposium, Istanbul,
Turkey, April (oral).
- Eleftheriadou,
K., Evangelou, A., Komilis, D.,
(2014). Qualitative
characterization of wastewater sludge in the Region of East Macedonia and
Thrace. IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment: Traditions
and Culture, Patras Greece, March (oral).
- Komilis, D, Athiniotou, A. (2013). Modeling leachate
generation from an operating landfill in Greece using a 1.5-year database. 14th
international Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy,
October, (oral).
- Evangelou, A.,
Kotsiari, E., Gerassimidou, S., Mavrakis, N., Komilis, D. (2013) Monitoring the performance of two municipal
solid waste mechanical and biological
pretreatment facilities in Greece. 13th International Conference on
Environmental Science and Technology, Athens, October, (oral).
- Liogkas, V., Komilis, D. (2013). Full cost
accounting of municipal solid waste management facilities in Greece. 13th
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Athens,
October, (oral).
- Athiniotou, A.,
Papaspyros, I., Komilis, D., (2012). Modelling leachate generation from an active
sanitary landfill. 4th international conference of the Hellenic Solid Waste
Association, Athens, November.
- Komilis, D., Fouki, A.,
Arampatzi, D., Papadopoulos, D., (2012). Hazardous medical waste
generation rates of different categories of health-care facilities in
Greece, 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Management, Crete September 2012 (oral presentation).
- Minoglou, M., Komilis,
D. (2012). Optimization of a municipal solid waste management system
using mathematical programming, 11th conference on the Protection and
Restoration of the Environment, Thessaloniki, July (oral presentation).
- Komilis D., Kanellos,
D., Kletsas, C. (2012). Effect of operating parameters during compost
stability respiration activity tests, ORBIT 2012, Rennes, France, June 2012
(oral presentation).
- Komilis D, Markidis I.,
Dermatas D., Tsagas F., (2011). Degradation of municipal solid wastes
stored in bales: A fractional factorial field experiment. Oral
presentation at the 13th international Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (October 2011).
- Komilis D.,
Gerassimidou S., Kosmidis G., Lazaridis V., Mplouhou A., Papanastassiou
V., Tsipissi S. (2011). Biological aerobic pre-treatment of municipal
solid wastes: Effect of different pretreatment periods on anaerobic
emissions. Oral presentation at the 13th international Waste Management and
Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (October 2011).
- Chatzouridis C., Komilis D.
(2011). A methodology to optimize the siting of municipal solid waste
transfer stations: A case study in the Region of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace
in Greece. Oral presentation at the 12th International conference on
Environmental Science and Technology. Rhodes, Greece (September 2011).
- Komilis, D., N.Katsafaros, P.Vassilopoulos (2010). Hazardous medical
waste production rates in Greece: Case studies from Medical Facilities in
Attica and from a small insular hospital. Oral presentation, 2nd
international conference of Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management, October,
Chanea, Crete.
- Komilis, D., I.
Kontou, S.Ntougias (2010). Correlation among fluorescein release rates and other
stability and maturity indices for thirteen composts. Oral presentation, ORBIT 2010 international
conference, Heraklion, Crete.
- Markidis, I.,
D.Komilis, D.Dermatas, F.Tsagas (2010). Monitoring the gaseous emissions and solids
degradation in municipal solid wastes stored in bales. Poster presentation, 10th
international conference on the protection and restoration of the Environment,
July, Corfu.
- Milatos A., D. Komilis
(2009). Multi-criteria evaluation of the hazard potential of uncontrolled
solid waste landfillsQ A decision support tool. Oral pres. 3rd
International Conference of the Hellenic Solid Waste Association, Athens. (in Greek)
- Komilis, D., D.
Bandi, G. Kakaronis, G. Zouppouris, E. Voudrias (2009). The effect of
household batteries on the heavy metal content of the organic fraction of
municipal solid waste during active composting. 12ο International Landfill
Symposium, Sardenia, Italy.
- Komilis, D.,
Evangelou, A., Apostolou, A., Giannakis, G., Kalpakis, D., Lazaridis, G.,
Margariti, M., Voudrias, E. (2008). Co-composting of de-watered wastewater
sludge with the organic fraction of municipal solid waste. Oral presentation (not presented),
APLAS Sapporo. The 5th Asian-Pacific Landfill Symposium, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan.
- Komilis, D.,
Vrohidou A., Voudrias, E. (2008). The effect of nitrogen addition on the aerobic
bioremediation of diesel contaminated soils. Oral presentation, 1st
intern. conference, Hazardous Waste Management, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- Komilis, D., Tsakmakis, T.
(2008). A sequential TCLP to assess leaching of heavy metals from personal
computer components. Oral presentation, 1st intern. conference,
Hazardous Waste Management, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- Komilis, D. I. Tziouvaras
(2008). A statistical analysis to evaluate maturity and stability of composts,
Oral presentation at the IX International Conference on the Protection and
Restoration of the Environment, Kefalonia, Greece.
- Komilis, D. (2007).
Conceptual models to optimize the haul, transfer and disposal of municipal
solid waste. Oral presentation, 11th International Landfill and Waste
Management Symposium, October, Sardinia, Italy.
- Lazaridi, K., M. Kehagioglou,
D.Komilis, A.Rovolis (2006). Municipal Solid Waste Costs: A comparative
analysis of local authority policies in Attica, 46th Congress of the
European Regional Science Association, Aug.30-Sept.3, Conference proceedings,
Vol II, 125-139, Volos, Greece.
- Komilis, D., A.Lazaridi, T.
Haritopoulou, A.Togia (2006). Optimizing the haul and disposal of municipal
solid waste produced by the municipality of Athens using mixed linear and
integer programming, oral presentation, 8th international conference on the
protection and restoration of the environment, e-proceedings, oral
presentation, July, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- Komilis, D., A. Lazaridi, T.Haritopoulou, A.Togia (2006).
Mathematical optimization model of the Municipal Solid Waste collection-transfer-disposal
system of the Municipality of Athens, 2nd international conference of the
Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association, e-proceedings, February 3-4,
Athens, Greece.
- Komilis, D.,
T.Haritopoulou, A. Togia (2005). Solid waste production rates and estimating the
number of waste storage containers in the Municipality of Athens, oral
Sept., Rhodes, Greece.
- Siaparinas, K., D. Komilis
(2005). Salt intrusion in the drainage basin of Thermi in Lesvos, 7th
Hellenic Hydrogeological conference, Vol I, 445-452, October, Athens (in
- Lazaridi, K, D.
Komilis, A. Rovolis (2004). Comparative analysis and geographical differentiation
of the municipal solid waste management cost in urban and rural municipalities,
7th Geographical Conference, October, Mytilene, Greece (in Greek).
- Komilis, D. (2004).
Environmental Legislation in the EU, presented at the International Issues on
Environmental Engineering and Education conference, organised by
P.M.Bethouex, UW-Extension, e-proceedings, 12-15 Aug., Pyle Center, Madison,
WI, U.S.A.
- Komilis, D.P., E. Kouzoumi,
C.P. Halvadakis (2003). Financial and Environmental Analysis of Typical Three
Phased Olive Mills in Greece, poster presentation at the 8th Environmental
Conference of Science and Technology, 8-10 Sept., Lemnos, Greece.
- Stathis, C. D. Komilis,
C.P.Halvadakis (2003). Financial optimization of the municipal solid waste
system using linear programming and optimization methods - A case study at the
Island of Kithira. Oral presentation, international environmental
conference HELECO 2003, Technical Chamber of Greece, Vol II, pp.53-60,
February, Athens (in Greek).
- Komilis, D., Kouris S.,
Halvadakis C.P. (2002). Economic Analysis of the Municipal Solid Waste
Management System in 5 municipalities in the island of Lesvos, oral
presentation, 1st conference of the Hellenic Solid Waste Association,
e-proceedings, September, Athens, Greece (in Greek).
- Komilis, D.P., R.K.Ham
(2002). The effect of lignin and sugars to the aerobic decomposition of solid
wastes, oral presentation, 2002 ISWA World Congress, vol. 1, 661-670,
8-12 July, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Komilis, D.P., R.K.Ham
(2001). Global emissions during solid waste composting using LCA principles,
oral presentation in 2nd ISWA Beacon specialized conference of ISWA Biological
Treatment of Wastes Working Group, 91-114, Dec., Pollutec, Paris, France.
- Komilis, D.P., R.K.Ham,
(2001). A life cycle inventory for MSW composting facilities, oral
presentation, ISWA World Congress 2001, pp. 298-310, 3-5 September,
Stavanger, Norway.
- Komilis, D.P., R.K.Ham
(1999). Predicting carbon dioxide and ammonia yields during composting of
individual municipal solid waste components and mixtures of components, HELECO'
99 international conference, June, Vol. I, pp.423-429, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Komilis, D.P.,
J.K.Park, R.K.Ham, (1998). Production of volatile
organic compounds during composting of municipal solid wastes, oral
presentation, WEFTEC 98 technical conf., vol. 6, pp. 179-190, October,
Orlando, Florida, USA.
Bold indicates the individual that presented the work.