Evaluator - Editor
Evaluator of international and national research proposals:
- Ministry of Research, Croatia, in 2006.
- National Science Center (Poland) in 2015,
- Ministry of Education, Italy (evaluation of Italian universities) in 2016.
- Dept. of Environmental Studies, Environmental Management - Modern Tools 2015
- Research and Innovation Proposals, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, 2017
- Research and Innovation Proposals, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, 2014-2015
- Scientific advisor of seminars to certify knowledge on Environmental Science (2018)
Editor and reviewer tasks
- Associate
Editor "Waste Management" (2013 - to date)
- Associate
Editor "Global Nest journal" (2013 - to date)
- Guest
Editor "Waste Biomass Valorization", Special Issue: Solid Waste Management
- Guest Editor "Sustainability", Special Issue: Sustainability in Solid Waste Management (2016).
- Guest Editor "Sustainability", Special Issue: Organic Waste Management (2017).
- Guest Editor "Sustainability", Special Issue: Advances in the Biorefining of Biowaste (2018).
- Guest Editor "Global Nest Journal", Special Issue: Multidisciplinary Research in the Environmental Science (2018).
- Top
reviewer for journal "Waste Management" (2012, 2017).
- Regular
reviewer in more than 20 scientific journals on environmental management issues with
emphasis on solid waste management since 2005.